Figure 5.
Characterization of the synaptic activities of NEUROG2/1 iN networks. A) Representative traces of spontaneous (black trace) and pharmacologically isolated synaptic events (red, blue, and gray traces) recorded from iN networks by whole-cell patch-clamp recording on d 60. Two types of miniature synaptic events were observed after TTX (0.5 μM) treatment (red traces). Type 1 miniature synaptic events were depleted upon NBQX (10 μM) treatment (blue traces). Type 2 miniature synaptic events were depleted by additional PTX treatment (20 μM) (gray trace). B–D) Quantification of the amplitude (B), rise time (C), and decay time (D) for the type 1 and type 2 synaptic events. The analysis of type 1 and type 2 events included recordings of 12 and 2 iNs, respectively. **P < 0.01 (unpaired Student’s t test).