Figure 6.
Impact of retinal Des1 conditional deletion on single-flash ERG b-wave responses of murine cone photoreceptors. Full-field single-flash ERGs were recorded from 2- to 3-mo-old mice. The group labeled “control” was aggregated from littermates expressing at least 1 functional copy of Des1, all of which exhibited comparable ERG responses. After recovery from initial dark- and light-adapted ERG recordings mice were administered a single 160 μg dose of MB-001 by intraperitoneal injection and 2 h later administered mydriatic eye drops and then exposed to 10,000 lux illumination for 10 min followed by a 4 h dark adaptation period. Dark-adapted ERGs were then recorded from these mice. Data are shown as average ± sem. Control mouse group, n = 6; Des1F/F Gnat1−/− Pdgfrα-Cre+ group, n = 4.