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. 2019 Mar 27;14(3):e0213641. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213641

Table 2. Descriptive information on the indicators and data used for the three case studies.

□Nicaragua ◊Uganda ○Vietnam
Scale Components of vulnerability Indicator Description Source of data Resolution
Global Sensitivity Current climatic data □◊○ Current temperature and precipitation dating from 1950 to 2000. Identify areas projected to experience greatest change in temperature WorldClim [57] 2.5 arc minutes (~5km)
GCMs projected data □◊○ Long term projection of climate (2040–2069 representing 2050 decadal time period). Identify areas projected to experience greatest change in precipitation GCM [58] 2.5 arc minutes (~5km)
Natural Hazards DEM Digital Elevation Model◊ NASA SRTM [59] 1 arc second (30m)
Corrected DEM (filled no-data voids by interpolation) ○ Jarvis et al. [60] 90 meters
Land cover Land cover classification (2010) ◊ Chen et al [61]
30 meters
MODIS-based Global Land Cover Climatology describes land cover type, and is based on 10 years (2001–2010) of Collection 5.1 MCD12Q1○ Broxton et al [62] 500 meters
Flooding□◊○ Flood events UNEP [63] 0.0083 degrees (~1km)
Drought□◊ Aridity is the ratio of the mean annual precipitation and the mean annual potential evapo-transpiration CGIAR-CSI [64] 30 arc seconds (~1km)
Fire◊ Fire hotspots MODIS fire product [65] 1km
Sea level rise○ > _ mm of sea level rise Li et al [66] 1km
Tropical cyclones□○ >_ hurricane events per _ years of an intensity UNEP [67] 0.0173 degrees (~2km)
Soil data○ Harmonized World Soil Database FAO [68] 30 arc seconds (~1km)
Road system□◊○ Road shapefile The Digital Chart of the World [69] 1:1,000,000 scale vector
National Natural Hazards Land degradation◊ Weighted combination of vegetation cover and quality, rainfall erosive, slope factor, soil erodibility and population density. Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (MESA) [70] 100 meters
Soil erosion□ This map was generated based on a qualitative evaluation during a survey of soils. Agricultural Ministry of Nicaragua [71] 1:50000 scale vector
Drought○ Average days of drought in a year period based on a 5 years average period (2007–2012) ISS [72] 0.033 degrees (~3687m)
Sub national
Sensitivity Harvested area data○ Harvested area data at the finest scale (province and/or district) for each modelled crop. Vietnam General statistics Office [73] Province vector shapefiles
Adaptive Capacity Education Primary net intake rate◊ Uganda Bureau of Statistics [74] District shapefile
Percentage of graduates compared with total upper secondary candidates○ Vietnam General statistics Office [75] Province shapefile
Poverty GINI index◊○ Uganda GINI index, [76]
National Economics University [77]
Subcounties (Uganda)
District (Vietnam)
Organizational Capacity○ The number of agricultural cooperatives [78] over the number of total farms [79] Vietnam General statistics Office Province shapefile
Health care Average of underweight, stunting and wasting of total population○ National Institute of Nutrition [80] Province shapefile
Average of the ratio of the number of health facilities by population, average immunization rate for 4 major antigens, latrine coverage in households, per capita outpatient department utilization in government and private not for profit (PNFP) health and deliveries in government and PNFP health facilities◊ Uganda Bureau of Statistics [74] District shapefile
Accessibility/infrastructure◊○ Travel time in hours to urban areas. Input maps divided into target locations (populated places) and Friction surface (Road Network, Railway Network, Navigable rivers, Major waterbodies, Shipping lanes, National Borders, Landcover, Urban areas, Elevation, Slope Nelson [81] 30 arcs–seconds