Figure 10.
FAC sorting of MCF7 breast cancer cells to determine the nanoparticle uptake based on increased granularity in cells, as represented by cell populations with an increased side scatter (SSC) profile. Parental MCF7 cell population with no particle uptake (a) and MCF7 cells treated with HAp/ChOSL (b), A- HAp/ChOSL (c) and B- HAp/ChOSL (d) particles showing two populations of cells, the parental control and one exhibiting granularity. (e) Percentage of cells uptaking HAp/ChOLS, A-HAp/ChOSL and B- HAp/ChOSL particles compared to the remaining population. Data points are shown as averages (n = 3) with error bars representing the standard deviation. Statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to the untreated, control population is represented with an asterisk.