Figure 2a and 2b.
Odor threshold scores for guaiacol (GUA), a smoke-like odorant, and phenyl ethyl alcohol (PEA), a rose-like odorant, as a function of anxiety sensitivity (AS). Odor detection was determined with the Snap and Sniff ® Threshold Test (SSTT), wherein a lower number (more negative) indicated a lower concentration of odorant and enhanced detection. 2a. Total AS was significantly correlated with enhanced odor detection of GUA (r = −.33, p < .05), but not PEA (r = .05, p > .1). 2b. Participants who scored above the cutoff for clinically significant AS (ASI score ≥ 17; n = 21) detected GUA at lower concentrations (enhanced detection) than PEA and also compared to detection of GUA in those who scored below the clinical cutoff (ASI score < 17; n = 28). * = p < .05.