Table 1.
Case | Age/Sex | Duration (Y) | Stage | Clinical subtype | Treatment | Prognosis and survival (Y) |
1 | 72/M | NA | Plaque | NA | PUVA,etretinate, and chemotherapy | CR 1.4 |
2 | 77/F | NA | Tumor | NA | PUVA, X-ray and chemotherapy | Death 6.8 |
3 | 52/F | NA | Tumor | NA | PUVA | PR 14.0 |
4 | 82/F | NA | Tumor | NA | PUVA, X-ray and chemotherapy | Death 3 |
5 | NA | NA | ⅡB | NA | Chemotherapy | Death 3.9 |
6 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
7 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
8 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
9 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
10 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
11 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
12 | NA | NA | ⅠA/ⅠB | NA | PUVA/X-ray /IFNα | Indolent course |
13 | 77/M | 3 | ⅠB | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
14 | 12/M | 5 | ⅠB | Hypopigmented | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
15 | 38/F | 4 | ⅠB | Hypopigmented | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
16 | 11/M | 9 | ⅠB | Hypopigmented | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
17 | 45/M | 4 | Patch | Localized/Unilesional | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
18 | 72/M | 15 | ⅠA | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
19 | 71/F | 0.5 | ⅠB | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
20 | 61/F | 10 | ⅠA | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
21 | 28/M | 2 | ⅠB | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
22 | 55/M | 10 | ⅠB | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
23 | 47/M | 20 | ⅠA | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
24 | 73/F | 10 | Plaque | Localized/Unilesional | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
25 | 14/F | 10 | ⅠA | Hypopigmented | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
26 | 27/M | 9 | ⅠB | Classic | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
27 | 14/M | 12 | ⅠB | Hypopigmented | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
28 | 14/M | 8 | ⅠB | Ichthyosiform | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
29 | 34/F | 1 | Plaque | Localized/Pagetoid reticulosis | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
30 | 34/M | 2 | ⅠB | Classic and purpuric | Skin target therapy | Indolent course |
31 | 23/F | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
32 | 45/F | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
33 | 70/F | 5 | ⅠB | Hypopigmented | NBUVB | PR |
34 | 73/M | 10 | ⅠB | Erythema gyratum repens -like | PUVA | PR |
Our case | 55/F | 30 | ⅡB | Hypopigmented | NBUVB | Indolent course |
CR, complete response; F, female; IFN, interferon; M, male; NA, not applicable; NBUVB, narrow-band ultraviolet B; PR, partial response; PUVA, psoralen ultraviolet A; Y, years.