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. 2019 Mar 28;2019(3):CD011501. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011501.pub2

Van Paesschen 2013.

Methods Study design: phase 2b, randomised, double‐blind, PBO‐controlled, parallel‐group, multi‐centre
Countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom
1. Prospective baseline period (4 weeks)
2. Treatment period (10 weeks: 3 weeks up‐titration and 7 weeks maintenance)
3. Conversion period (2 weeks): entry into a long‐term open‐label follow‐up study or down‐titration (2 weeks)
Participants Randomised population:
BRV 150 mg/d = 52
BRV 50 mg/d = 53
PBO = 52
ITT populationa:
BRV 150 mg/d = 52
BRV 50 mg/d = 53
PBO = 52
Safety populationc:
BRV 150 mg/d = 52
BRV 50 mg/d = 53
PBO = 52
Age (mean and SD)d:
≥ 16 to 65 years
BRV 150 mg/d = 34.4 (10.1)
BRV 50 mg/d = 38.2 (12.1)
PBO = 40.0 (11.7)
Gender, male, n (%)d:
BRV 150 mg/d = 21 (40.4)
BRV 50 mg/d = 24 (45.3)
PBO = 25 (48.1)
Ethnicity white, n (%)d:
BRV 150 mg/d = 52 (100.0)
BRV 50 mg/d = 53 (100.0)
PBO = 51 (98.1)
Type of seizure: drug‐resistant focal onset seizures
Interventions All treatment groups received their respective treatment via oral capsules in 2 equally divided doses per day:
BRV 150 mg/d (BID)
BRV 50 mg/d (BID)
Participants randomised to BRV 150 mg/d began the up‐titration period on a dose of 50 mg/d. After 1 week, the dosage was increased to 100 mg/d and was then increased again to 150 mg/d after 2 weeks. Patients were permitted 1 fallback during the maintenance period to 100 mg/d
Participants randomised to BRV 50 mg/d started at a dose of 25 mg/d and were up‐titrated to 50 mg/d after 1 week. They were again permitted 1 fallback to 25 mg/d during the maintenance period. Participants randomised to placebo continued to receive placebo during the up‐titration and maintenance periods
Outcomes Primary outcome:
1. Per cent reduction in baseline‐adjusted FOS frequency/week over PBO during the maintenance period
Secondary outcomes:
1. Reduction in FOS frequency/week over PBO during the treatment period
2. Per cent reduction from baseline in FOS frequency/week (maintenance and treatment periods)
3. ≥ 50% responder rate in FOS seizure frequency from baseline during maintenance and treatment periods
4. Seizure freedom rate
Safety and tolerability outcomes:
1. Treatment‐emergent adverse events (TEAEs)
2. Physical and neurological examinations
3. Vital signs
4. Clinical laboratory tests
 5. Electrocardiography (ECG) recordings
Notes Trial registry number: N01114, NCT00175929
Sponsored by the manufacturer of BRV (UCB Pharma)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "central randomization method (random permuted blocks) stratified for concomitant use of LEV... and carbamazepine (CBZ)"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote (from protocol): "each investigator will receive numbered subjects’ kits. When a subject is determined to be eligible for randomization (at visit 2), the Investigator or designee will call the Central Randomization Center (CRC) and will be assigned a subject’s kit number, according to the operating manual given by CRC"
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quote: "matching placebo"
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quote: "efficacy assessments were made using data recorded by the patients on daily record cards and assessed by the investigator at each study visit"
 Comment: participants were adequately blinded by matching placebo; the study was double‐blind, meaning that investigators, including those responsible for data analysis, would also have been blinded
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: attrition was reported and intent‐to‐treat analysis conducted; no randomised participants were excluded from the ITT population
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Comment: protocol was provided; not all outcomes defined in the protocol are reported in the journal article
Quote: "secondary efficacy outcomes included..."
Other bias Low risk Comment: none detected

AE: adverse event; AED: antiepileptic drug; BID: twice a day; BRV: brivaracetam; CBZ: carbamazepine; ECG: electrocardiogram; FOS: focal onset seizure; ITT: intention‐to‐treat; IVRS: interactive voice response system; LEV: levetiracetam; mITT: modified intention‐to‐treat; PBO: placebo; TEAEs: treatment‐emergent adverse effects.

aITT population was defined as all randomised patients who received at least one dose (≥ 1) of study drug, with the exception of Klein 2015, who defined ITT as all randomised patients who received at least one dose (≥ 1) of study drug and had at least one (≥ 1) post‐baseline seizure diary entry.

bBiton 2014 used a modified intent‐to‐population, excluding four participants (three for extreme non‐compliance and one as a clinical outlier).

cSafety population was defined as all randomised patients who received at least one dose (≥ 1) of study drug in Klein 2015. For all other studies, the safety population was identical to the intent‐to‐treat population.

dCalculated using the safety population.