Fig. 6.
Major phytoplankton species from Ice station 1: Chaetoceros gelidus (C. socialis, a), Chaetoceros karinus (b), Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii (c), Phaeocystis pouchetii (d), Fragilariopsis oceanica (e), Navicula vanhoeffeni (f), Bacterosira bathyomphola (g) and Thalassiosira antarctica var. borealis (f). Six species of large diatoms made up the largest parts of the biomass. The high cell numbers of Phaeocystis pouchetii did not contribute much when looking at [Chl a] biomass using its tracer pigments Chl c3 and 19′-acyloxy-fucoxanthin (Sakshaug et al. 2009b; Johnsen et al. 2011a). Details in Table 4, see also Meshram et al. 2017 using metabarcoding of the microalgae studied in this report