Results from multigroup nested model of the relation between mother’s report of daughters’ strength and independence attributes (SIA) to mother report of externalizing and leadership behaviors.
Note. Standardized regression weights are listed in order of race, Black/White/Latina and SES risk was added as a covariate. The chi-square differential test indicated the model differed by race (differential χ2 = 10.30, df=4, p<.05). In follow-up critical ratio z tests, the path estimate from SIA to externalizing was significantly lower in Black mothers compared to White (z=−2.75, p<.05) and Latina (z=−1.89, p<.05) mothers. The path estimate from SIA to leadership was significantly higher in Black mothers compared to White (z=2.25, p<.05) and Latina (z=2.15, p<.05) mothers. SIA – Strength and Independence Attributes, BESS – Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, BASC – Behavioral Assessment System for Children.
* p<.05 **p<.01