Effects of CB1R blockade on HFD-induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial disfunction in WT and Sirt1-LKO mice.
JD5037 reversed HFD-induced mitochondrial ROS production, as indicated by 4-HNE adducts in liver (A) and white adipose tissue (B) in WT but not Sirt1-LKO mice. Same pattern observed for JD5037 reversal of pAkts473 in adipose tissue (B). Western blot bands were quantified and analyzed by densitometry as indicate above. (C) Mitochondrial complex I activity was measured in freshly prepared liver mitochondria as described in Supplementary Methods. (D) Total antioxidant capacity was measured in serum. Data are mean ± SEM, n=5. *p<0.05 compared to STD group, #p<0.05 compared to HFD Veh group, or same age group in (D).