Figure 6.
PtNPs induce DNA cleavage in presence and absence of gyrase. Different reactions were setup: Relaxed pHOT-1 DNA (substrate) with (i) gyrase and Ciprofloxacin (positive control) (ii) gyrase and PtNPs (iii) gyrase (iv) PtNPs. The samples were loaded on 1% agarose gel with appropriate markers electrophoresed and imaged and a representative gel image is presented here. The full length gel image is shown as Supplementary Fig. 15). Red arrows indicate cleaved DNA generated due to PtNP treatment. Lane Description: L1 – Relaxed DNA + gyrase + Ciprofloxacin; L2 – Relaxed DNA + gyrase + PtNPs; L3- Relaxed DNA + gyrase; L4 – Relaxed DNA + PtNPs; L5 – Relaxed DNA.