Fig. 4.
a Heat map of ovarian gene expression showing clustering of treatment groups. MSC1, ovaries of aged mares receiving intra-ovarian injection of MSC on one occasion 14 to 19 weeks before ovariectomy (n = 3); MSC2, ovaries of aged mares receiving an injection as for MSC1, then a second intra-ovarian injection of MSC 2 weeks before ovariectomy (n = 3); V, ovaries of aged mares receiving one intra-ovarian injection of vehicle 14 to 19 weeks before ovariectomy (n = 2); opp, the opposite (contralateral) ovaries of these mares. b Volcano plot of upregulated and downregulated genes in MSC1 ovaries compared to V ovaries. There were 57 upregulated genes and 36 downregulated genes. The 10 most differentially regulated genes are given in the figure: KRT (keratin 5, 14, and 17); PRLR (prolactin receptor); TSGA10 (testis specific 10); HIST2H2BE (histone cluster 2 H2B family member e). Unknown gene products are designated by “UK.” c Volcano plot of upregulated and downregulated genes in MSC2 ovaries compared to MSC1 ovaries. There were 200 upregulated genes and 61 downregulated genes. The 10 most differentially regulated genes are given in the figure: TAC1 (tachykinin precursor); MS4A7 (membrane spanning 4-domains A7); SLAMF9 (SLAM family member 9); PDE6A (phosphodiesterase 6A); IRF8 (interferon regulatory factor 8)