Red-yellow shows the clusters of voxels where a higher frequency of WML (p < .01, corrected fro multiple comparisons across space) was present in non-amnestic (NA) vs amnestic (A) group (upper panel, top left), in non-amnestic multi-domain (NAMD) vs non-amnestic single-domain (NASD) group (upper panel, top right) and in non-amnestic multi-domain (NAMD) vs amnestic multi-domain (AMD) group (lower panel). Comparison analyses were controlled for age, sex, FLAIR slice thickness, center, magnetic field strength, total LV (in native space) and head size. The most informative slices are shown. Background image is MNI152 standard brain, in radiological orientation (i.e., right side is left hemisphere). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)