Alanine scan
mutagenesis of EndoS2 active site for complex-type
and high-mannose IgG1. (a) Residues on each loop predicted to make
contact with either glycan were mutated individually, or in batches,
to alanine, and activity was measured using mass spectrometry, normalized
to wild-type EndoS2. Statistical significance compared to wild-type
EndoS2 is annotated (multiple comparisons test, Tukey method; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; n.s. > 0, not significantly greater than
control). Mutated residues are colored by loop number, with fractional
activity retained compared to wild-type EndoS2 in parentheses for
(b) complex-type substrate and (c) high-mannose substrate.