Fig. 2.
Caf1 protein production is dependent upon low levels of Caf1R. a Graph of the flocculent layer height obtained from E. coli cultures containing either pCOP (full caf1 operon, 1), pCOPΔR (caf1 operon lacking Caf1R, 2), a co-transformation of pCOPΔR and pBad Caf1R (arabinose inducible Caf1R) without (3) and with (4) 0.005% w/v arabinose added to the culture, and pBad Caf1R only control (C). Cultures were grown for 16 h at 35 °C. Bar heights correspond to the mean flocculent layer height obtained from three separate cultures where error bars represent the standard error of the mean (S.E.M). b Western blot of three separate cell pellets from the above cultures, probed with an anti-Caf1 antibody. DnaK was used as a loading control, probed with an anti-DnaK antibody