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. 2019 Mar 22;10:142. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00142

Table 5.

Logistic regression analysis predicting treatment dropout–first model (N = 202).

95% CI
Measure OR p LL UL
Offender type: sexual 0.051
Offender type: violent 2.52 0.024 1.13 5.61
Offender type: other 0.95 0.932 0.30 3.01
Never married 0.60 0.250 0.25 1.44
No education 1.15 0.734 0.52 2.53
Unemployment 2.05 0.058 0.98 4.31
Non-German 1.76 0.135 0.84 3.70
Substance abuse 0.30 0.012 0.12 0.77
Age 0.99 0.535 0.95 1.03
HCR-20 sum 1.10 0.102 0.98 1.23
PCL-R Facet 1: interpersonal deficits 1.27 0.016 1.05 1.53
PCL-R Facet 2: affective deficits 0.97 0.760 0.77 1.21
PCL-R Facet 3: impulsive lifestyle 1.20 0.145 0.94 1.54
PCL-R Facet 4: antisocial behavior 1.05 0.553 0.89 1.25
SAPROF sum 1.02 0.720 0.90 1.16
Constant 0.02 0.037

Nagelkerke R2 = 0.36 (n = 3 cases were reported missing and excluded from analysis). Bold values indicate significance at p ≤ 0.05. OR, Odds Ratio; CI, confidence interval; LL, lower limit; UL, upper limit; HCR-20, Historical Clinical Risk Assessment-20; PCL-R, Psychopathy Checklist-Revised; SAPROF, Structured Assessment of PROtective Factors.