Figure 2. Nfatc1cre/+ line specifically labels endocardial cells.
A The percentage of Nfatc1-derived cells within total endothelial cells in embryonic tissues during embryogenesis measured by flow cytometry for Tomato, CD31, CD41 and CD45 in Nfatc1cre/+; Rosa26Tomato reporter/+ embryos. Tomato-positive cells are identified in the CD31+ CD41− CD45− pure endocardial cells in heart tissue at E9.5. CD41+ fraction was excluded as CD31 is expressed in a subset of CD41+ circulating progenitors at this stage. Data represent mean ± SE.
B. Representative histogram of Nfatc1-lineage-labeled cells within CD31+ CD45− endothelial (endocardial) cells in the heart, yolk-sac, and caudal half from Nfatc1cre/+; Rosa25Tomato reporter/+ at E18.5.
C. The percentage of Nfatc1-derived cells within total endothelial cells in embryonic tissues during embryogenesis measured by flow cytometry for Tomato, CD31, and CD45 in Nfatc1cre/+; Rosa26Tomato reporter/+ embryos. Tomato-positive cells are identified in the CD31+ CD45− pure endocardial cells in heart tissue. Liver endocardial cells, known to be partially derived from endocardial cells, are also Tomato-positive. Data represent mean ± SE.