Fig. 2. Orbital polarization modulated by unidirectional structural distortions.
(A). Schematic of the scattering geometry for XAS and XLD measurements with the x-ray beam aligned parallel to the (100) and (010) scattering planes. (B). XAS of an LCO film for the Co L-edge measured by the out-of-plane (Ioop, solid lines, Eoop//[001]) and in-plane (Iip, dashed lines, Eip//[100] or [010]) linearly polarized x-ray beams. (C) XLD of an LCO film for the Co L-edges. The XLD spectra indicate that the hole occupancy in the orbital is larger than that of the orbital for both measuring configurations. The degree of orbital polarization in the (010) plane is about two times larger than that in the (100) plane, indicating a clear anisotropic orbital occupancy induced by 1D twin domains. All spectra are collected and repeated more than four times with bulk-sensitive FY detection mode at 10 K.