Figure 6.
Higher SMAD4 but not SMAD2 levels increase the fraction of cells with a sustained ctgf response. (A) Single cell ctgf responses after stimulation with different doses of TGF-β, clustered into transient and sustained classes using k-means clustering (n transient = 1666; n sustained = 427). Heat maps for ctgf traces belonging to transient (upper panel) and sustained (lower panel) are shown using absolute (left) and normalized levels of ctgf responses. (B) Silhouette plot of cells sorted according to ctgf expression dynamics. (C) Fraction of cells responding in a transient or sustained manner at different concentrations of dox in the iS2 (left) and iS4 (right) cell lines. (*p < 0.001, **p < 10e-6; Chi-squared test). (D) Average SMAD4/2 expression level during the 12 hours following 5 nM TGF-β stimulation, belonging to the transient and the sustained classes from samples treated with 2 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml doxycycline (*p < 0.05; t-test).