Figure 3.
Types of biomechanical activity. HIM (a and b) and SEM (c and d) imagery showing examples for biological inputs and biomechanical weathering in granular samples deployed in the subhumid (a–c; Catalina mixed conifer forest) and humid (d; Calhoun mixed hardwood-pine forest) field sites. Examples include (a) distinct fungal structural units with hyphal (Hyp) growth along the edges of a basaltic (Bs) grain where fungi exhibited unique surface morphologies at microscale resolutions. (b) Fungal hyphae interacting with biotite (Bt) mica from granite samples including hyphal growth between the interlayer sheets of biotite along the grain edge that represents a form of biomechanical weathering. (c) A fungal hypha (Hyp) also penetrated a surface layer sheet of biotite (Bt) as observed in secondary electron images. (d) Fungal-mineral interactions were also imaged for the Calhoun mixed hardwood-pine forest including a hypha adhered across and along the edge of a basaltic grain. The fungal-mineral interface provided potential evidence for hyphal tunneling or an abiotic weathering feature enhanced by contact with the fungal hypha along the grain edge.