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. 2019 Mar 29;9:5330. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41816-8

Table 1.

ROV video transects location, length and water depth.

Location Track Coordinates Depth range min - max (m) Total length (m) Analyzed length (m) Litter items (n) Litter abundance (items/10 m) Litter size
Start End
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude S M L
SGC Dive-05 38°03′26.3″N 15°37′31.9“E 38°03′08.9“N 15°37′50.0“E 478 518 1051 924 253 2.7 139 92 22
SGC Dive-06 38°03′32.6″N 15°38′31.4″E 38°03′50.7″N 15°38′17.5″E 243 276 818 784 192 2.5 106 64 22
SAC Dive-08 38°04′37.8″N 15°37′24.1″E 38°04′15.3″N 15°37′38.9″E 275 314 1215 1161 141 1.2 95 36 10
SAC Dive-10 38°03′44.2″N 15°37′13.2″E 38°03′59.5″N 15°37′07.1″E 508 524 701 516 71 1.4 40 25 6
TC-1 Dive-11 38°07′16.5″N 15°33′04.3″E 38°07′26.8″N 15°32′47.4″E 518 581 1778 1742 2298 13.2 1116 1066 116
TC-1 Dive-18 38°07′30.6″N 15°32′26.2″E 38°07′43.9″N 15°32′23.9″E 384 424 723 670 651 9.7 388 242 21
TC-2 Dive-19 38°08′13.0″N 15°32′50.4″E 38°08′28.4″N 15°32′51.9″E 337 381 722 623 351 5.6 213 102 36

The length of the analysed video, the number of litter items counted, their abundance and size class are also reported. SGC – San Gregorio channel; SAC – Sant’Agata channel; TC-1 – Tremestieri channel 1; TC-2 – Tremestieri channel 2. For litter size: S = small items <10 cm; M = medium items 10–50 cm; L = large items >50 cm.