Fig. 2. The regulation mechanisms of lysine methylation of transcription factors and the downstream effects on cell biology.
Lysine methylatioin can regulate transcription factor (TF) function by altering protein stability, subcellular localization, DNA-binding affinity, protein–protein interactions, and crosstalk with other PTMs. Notably, lysine methylation modifications may alter cellular biological processes positively (in green) or negatively (in red). a Protein stability can be regulated by lysine methylation indirectly. b Like phosphorylation, lysine methylation can also alter nuclear localization of transcription factors, thus regulating transcriptional activity. c Lysine methylation positively or negatively regulates promoter binding affinity of transcription factors, thereby altering transcription of target genes. d Lysine methylation can affect protein–protein interactions. Methylated lysine can be recognized by proteins that contain special motifs such as chromo, tudor, or malignant brain tumor domains, resulting in differential biological effects. e Lysine methylation regulates other PTMs in the same or adjacent sites. TF, transcription factor; me, methyl group; ac, acetyl group; P, phosphate group; Ub, ubiquitin; DCAF1, DDB1-CUL4-associated factor 1; MBD, methylation-binding domain; p300, lysine acetyltransferase p300; GLP, histone methyltransferase GLP; *the methylation status is unknown