Figure 3.
Circadian periods calculated by MESA for last 15 days of recordings for mice in T20 (LD10:10). Each animal contributes one point. Line shows the diagonal. Circadian periods of locomotor activity and body temperature have similar values, with some scatter due to noisiness of the data. Of the 39 total mice housed in T20, three mice had locomotor activity periods near 20 h (one of these had BT period 25.3 h, the outlier in the upper left corner of the graph). These 3 mice had significant 2nd periods of 23.3, 23.4, and 25.9 h; one other mouse had a dominant period of 23.9 h and a 2nd period of 20.0 h; two other mice with activity periods 23.8 and 24.0 h also had significant 2nd periods of 25.7 and 22.1 h, respectively. Only these 6 out of 39 mice displayed two periods.