Figure 3. Causal effect of fecal propionate on type 2 diabetes (T2D).
a) Schematic representation of the Mendelian Randomization analysis results: genetic predisposition to higher fecal propionate levels is associated with increased risk of T2D. b) A forest plot depicts the magnitude of the causal effect on T2D per each one-standard-deviation increase in fecal butyrate levels, as estimated by the inverse-variance weighted Mendelian Randomization (MR) analysis. MR analysis was carried out using the three genetic predictors derived in LifeLines-DEEP (LL-DEEP) and their effects in the discovery data set (DIAGRAM; 26,676 T2D cases and 132,532 controls) and in the replication cohort (UK Biobank; 19,119 T2D cases and 423,698 controls). The effect derived combining the two causal effects (from discovery and replication) with an inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis approach is also given. Corresponding two-sided P-values are listed in the annexed table. OR, odd’s ratio.