a, Schematic diagram for the experimental settings.
b, Position of the optic fiber in a coronal section of VB expressing
c, Microarousal during NREM (left) evoked by 1 sec long stimulation
of VB cells.
d, Average (mean) peri-event distribution of EMG ON states shows
high probability during NREM (purple; 0.91 ± 0.07, n = 7 unilateral
stimulation from 4 mice). VB stimulation was ineffective in REM sleep (green) in
response to 1 sec stimulation (blue dashed line). Shaded area represents
± s.e.m.
e, Spontaneous and evoked rate of microarousal induced by 1 sec
stimulation of DMT/CR+ (blue) or VB (red) in NREM (left) and REM (right)
f, Arousal probability in REM normalized to arousal probability in
NREM for DMT/CR+ (blue) and VB mice (red). (VB, n = 7; DMT, n = 6; 2*one-tailed
Mann-Whitney, p = 0.0011). The horizontal lines in the box plots indicate
medians, the box limits indicate first and third quantiles, and the vertical
whisker lines indicate minimum and maximum values. The whiskers extend to the
most extreme data points.
g, Correlation of laser intensity and arousal probability. Sigmoid
was fitted for each animal. To enable comparison of sigmoid slopes between
groups, both laser intensities and arousal probabilities were normalized to
their maximal values within each mouse. The slope of sigmoid curves showed
individual variability, but on average, there was no significant difference
between VB and DMT/CR+ animals (VB, n = 4, DMT n = 5 mice; 2*one-tailed
Mann-Whitney, p = 0.142).
h, Correlation of laser intensity vs. microarousal latency.
dMT-latency: r = -0.05+-0.11; p: n.s in n= 4/5 animals, individual p values: p =
0.023; p = 0.371; p = 0.476; p = 0.57; p = 0.476; VB latency: r = -0.275+-0.09,
n= 4 hemisphers, individual p values: p = 0.0028; p = 0.0005; p = 0.0001; p =
i, Correlation of laser intensity vs. microarousal duration. DMT
duration: r = 0.01+-0.07; p: n.s in n = 5 animals; individual p values: p =
0.28; p = 0.35; p = 0.59; p = 0.60; p = 0.85. VB-duration: r = 0.2+-0.05; in n =
4 hemispheres, individual p values: p = 0.034; p = 0.001; p = 0.0005; p =
0.0001. Thin blue and red lines represents ± s.e.m.