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. 2019 Mar 29;5(3):e01448. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01448

Table 1.

Geographical and soil descriptions of the study environments.

Location Location (environment) code Coordinates Altitude (masl) Soil parameters
Textural class pH (H2O) OC (%) TN (%) Av. P (meq/100 g) Exchangeable bases (meq/100 g)
Ca Mg K N
Gairo E1 E036o54′787″ S06o08′156″ 1310 Sandy clay loam 5.9 0.81 0.08 5.9 4.1 1.9 0.66 0.20
SRI E2 E038o58′315″ S06o46′701″ 169 Clay 6.7 0.71 0.07 3.9 6.2 2.1 0.48 0.26
KATRIN E3 E036o39′945″ S08o03′612″ 288 Sandy loam 6.0 1.15 0.06 6.0 9.9 2.1 0.53 0.25
SUA E4 E037o38′756″ S06o50′252″ 518 Clay 5.3 2.10 0.11 5.3 5.1 2.5 0.95 0.30
Chambezi E5 E038o28′59″ S06o33′302″ 47 Loamy sand 6.4 0.39 0.05 6.4 2.7 0.7 0.24 0.21
Mkuranga E6 E039o11′689″ S06o08′306″ 119 Sandy loam 6.4 0.37 0.06 6.4 2.0 0.4 0.24 0.17

Masl = metres above sea level; meq 100 g−1 = milli-equivalent per 100 g of soil; Av. P = Available phosphorus; OC = organic carbon; TN = total nitrogen; Ca = calcium; Mg = Magnesium; K = potassium; Na = Sodium; KATRIN = Kilombero Agricultural Training and Research Institute; SRI = Sugarcane Research Institute; SUA = Sokoine University of Agriculture.