A, visual stimuli as seen by the participants. The target sphere, initially behind a lever arm, rolled forward along the gutter. Participants moved the hand‐held hitter (green) from the starting position (grey sphere) attempting to hit the sphere as soon as it arrived at the end of the gutter, so as to deviate it into a circle (arc segment shown in black). The white dashed circle (not shown in the experiments) indicates the ball at the end of the gutter. B and C, schematic lateral and top view of the set‐up. Participants’ head and torso were tilted backwards in the sagittal plane. They wore a head‐mounted display and kept the right arm on a foam box (grey) with the hand‐held hitter (green). In the bubble, the gutter is depicted at the same inclination β as that of the participant, although observers always saw the same image irrespective of their tilt. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]