The vasodilator dose–response curves of skeletal muscle feed arteries from Young (Y), Middle Aged (MA) and Old (O) subjects both with and without adropin (A) incubation, and with and without nitric oxide synthase blockade (l‐NMMA) evoked by both flow and ACh (A and D), the quantification of the effect of l‐NMMA with and without adropin incubation (B and E) and the magnitude of effect of adropin‐NOS mediated vasodilatation (C and F). Data are expressed as the mean ± SE. n = 10 Young, 10 Middle Aged and 16 Old subjects. A, *significant difference between Y, Young with adropin incubation (Y+A) and Middle Aged with adropin incubation (MA+A) compared to MA and Old with adropin incubation (O+A), P < 0.05; †significant difference between MA and O+A compared to O, Young with adropin and LNMMA incubation, Middle Aged with adropin and LNMMA incubation (MA+A+LNMMA) and O+A+LNMMA, P < 0.05; ǂsignificant difference between Y, Y+A and MA+A compared to O, Y+A+LNMMA, MA+A+LNMMA and O+A+LNMMA, P < 0.05. D, *significant difference between Y, Y+A, MA+A and O+A compared to MA, P < 0.05; †significant difference between MA compared to O, Y+A+LNMMA, MA+A+LNMMA and O+A+LNMMA, P < 0.05; ǂsignificant difference between Y, Y+A, MA+A and O+A compared to O, Y+A+LNMMA, MA+A+LNMMA and O+A+LNMMA, P < 0.05. B and E, *significantly different from Y, P < 0.05; ǂsignificant difference between with and without adropin, P < 0.05; †significantly different from Y+A, P < 0.05). C and F, *significantly different from Y, P < 0.05; ǂsignificantly different from MA, P < 0.05.