A, schematic diagram of labelling of the mouse airways with DiI tracer injected in the airways, DiI‐labelled lung‐specific neurons and picking of single labelled neurons to perform RT‐PCR. B, agarose gels with PCR products of 31 (labelled 1–32, label 8 in all the gels is bath control) single labelled (lung‐specific) neurons showing expression profile of S1PRs transcripts from mouse nodose and jugular ganglia. C, mRNA expression wheel summarizing expression profile of transcripts from 31 single neurons. Each section represents one neuron. D, bar graph showing percentage of neurons expressing P2X2 (77%), TRPV1 (61%), S1PRs 1 (32%), 2 (22%), 3 (90%), 4 (0%) and 5 (6.4%) mRNA (n = 31 single lung‐specific neurons).