Forest plots for adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Forest plots for survival to hospital discharge/one month (A), long-term survival (B), favorable neurological outcome at hospital discharge/one month (C), and long-term favorable neurological outcome (D) in adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The vertical red lines indicate odds ratios. Horizontal lines indicate 95% confidence intervals of the estimate. The studies are ordered by alphabetical order within each outcome. The forest plots for long-term outcomes are representative of all included patients, independent of survival to hospital discharge. The studies by Cesana et al. Lee et al. and Venturini et al. included both out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and in-hospital cardiac arrest patients. There was some overlap between the studies by Hase, Maekawa and Tanno, and between Yannopolous (2016 + 2017).
OHCA refers to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.