DDR-related cytokines derived from glioma cells are synergistic with DDR alterations in vitro and in vivo.
(a) Gene expression profiling revealed the associations between DDR-related cytokines and the DDR scores or DDR genes. (b) IHC assays were used to detect the expression level of six cytokines, C5, SAA1, MDK, IL6, VEGFA and TNFSF4 in glioma samples within the different DDR clusters (20×). (c) Western blot validation of DDR-associated protein and cytokine expression levels in LN229, LN229R, HG7, HG7R, GL261 and GL261R cells. (d) ELISA assay revealed differential expression of six cytokines in the medium of LN229, LN229R, HG7, HG7R, GL261 and GL261R cells. (e) Cytokine expression in xenograft gliomas formed by GL261 and GL261R cells was detected by IHC assays (20×).