Figure 3.
Cu+ exchange among CopZ1 and CopZ2. A and B, protein (black) and Cu+ (green) in the washes and eluates from Ni-NTA resin (wash 1–4, elution 5–7). A, Cu+ transfer from CopZ1holo in the absence (left) and presence of CopZ2apo (right); and B, Cu+ transfer from CopZ2holo in the absence (left) and presence of CopZ1apo (right). Data are the mean ± S.E. of three independent experiments. C, Cu+ transfer reaction from CopZ1holo to CopZ2apo after various incubation times expressed as a reaction quotient Q = ([CopZ1apo] × [CopZ2holo] × [CopZ1holo]−1 × [CopZ2apo]−1) for CopZ1holo + CopZ2apo ⇋ CopZ1apo + CopZ2holo.