SH2D5 promoted proliferation of hepatoma cells in vivo.
A, HepG2 cells were transfected with vector control, pCMV-HBx, or pCMV-SH2D5 and seeded into the soft agar dish. Colonies under the microscope were counted after a 4-week incubation (upper panel). SH2D5 and HBx expressions were quantified by Western blot assays (lower panel). B, experiments were performed similar to those in A, except the indicated siRNA-SH2D5 was used. C, nude mice were sacrificed and photographed after 1 month of subcutaneous injection. D, growth curves of tumors derived from HepG2-X cells transfected with si-SH2D5 or si-Ctrl. E, average weight of tumors. F, relative mRNA and protein levels of SH2D5 in the tumor tissues from mice were detected by real-time PCR (upper panel) and Western blot assays (lower panel). All experiments were repeated at least three times. Bar graphs present means ± S.D., n = 3 (**, p < 0.01).