Dnmt1 is critical for kidney development. (A) Expression of Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b, Tet1, Tet2, and Tet3 in Dnmt1f/f and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f mouse kidneys (P0) as analyzed by RNA sequencing. Asterisks represent FDR significant differences calculated by DESeq2. **P<0.01. (B) Immunofluorescence staining of DNTM1 (red) and kidney segment markers LTL, PNA, and DBA (green) in P0 kidneys from Dnmt1f/f and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f mice. (C and D) Representative PAS-stained kidney sections from control (Dnmt1f/f) and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f kidneys (P0). Specific kidney structures are highlighted. (E) Immunofluorescence staining of Dnmt1f/f and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f kidneys with WT1 (podocyte marker). (F) Total number of glomeruli per longitudinal kidney sections in Dnmt1f/f and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f kidney sections at P0 (n=5 per group). (G) Expression of differentiated kidney segment markers in Dnmt1f/f and Six2Cre
Dnmt1f/f kidneys by qRT-PCR. FPKM, fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads. ***P<0.001.