Table A5.
Hill coefficients (dimensionless)
Parameter | Value | Description |
hill_per_cb | 21.633 | Hill coefficient regulation of Per by CLOCK-BMAL |
hill_per_pc | 22.0113 | Hill coefficient regulation of Per by PER-CRY |
hill_cry_cb | 5.11758 | Hill coefficient regulation of Cry by CLOCK-BMAL |
hill_cry_pc | 1.77601 | Hill coefficient regulation of Cry by PER-CRY |
hill_cry_rev | 52.6298 | Hill coefficient regulation of Cry by Rev-Erb |
hill_rev_cb | 5.37045 | Hill coefficient regulation of Rev-Erb by CLOCK-BMAL |
hill_rev_pc | 3.96668 | Hill coefficient regulation of Rev-Erb by PER-CRY |
hill_ror_cb | 7.16985 | Hill coefficient regulation of ROR by CLOCK-BMAL |
hill_ror_pc | 3.68283 | Hill coefficient regulation of ROR by PER-CRY |
hill_bmal_ror | 3.07146 | Hil coefficient regulation of bmal by ROR |
hill_bmal_rev | 1.46683 | Hill coefficient regulation of bmal by REV-ERB |
hill_NHE3_cb | 1.16369 | Hill coefficient regulation of NHE3 by CLOCK-BMAL |
hill_NHE3_pc | 1.0005 | Hill coefficient regulation of NHE3 by PER-CRY |