Figure 6. In pituitary ECs, stabilization of beta-catenin promotes a BBB-like state of the transcriptome and of chromatin accessibility.
(A) Genome browser images showing accessible chromatin (ATAC; top) and transcript abundances (RNA; bottom) for two BBB genes: Slc35f2, which codes for a putative nucleoside transporter, and Axin2, a Wnt target gene and a negative regulator of Wnt signaling. Histograms show aligned read counts. C, cerebellum; AP, anterior pituitary; PP, posterior pituitary; WT, wild-type; Bcat, beta-catenin stabilized (i.e. Ctnnb1 exon 3 deleted). Each track represents the average of two independent replicates. The orange regions highlight accessible chromatin that changes with beta-catenin stabilization. For each gene, all six of the ATAC-seq histograms are at the same vertical scale [Slc35f2 ATAC: 0–2000 reads; Axin2 ATAC: 0–3000 reads] and all six of the RNA-seq histograms are at the same vertical scale [Slc35f2 RNA: 0–5251 reads; Axin2 RNA: 0–3379 reads]. For both genes, some of the ATAC-seq and RNA-seq signals extend beyond the vertical range in the images. Bottom, intron-exon structure, with the arrow indicating the promoter and the direction of transcription. Arrows within the browser images point to examples of ATAC-seq or RNA-seq signals that are induced by beta-catenin stabilization. (B) Expression levels (log2 transformed TPM + 1) based on RNA-seq for the indicated categories of EC transcripts. Data for the two independent replicates are shown.