Figure 10.
Quantitative Co-localization Analyses
The weighted colocalization coefficients were obtained using ZEN 2009 software (Zeiss) exactly according to the manufacturer's instructions (see Transparent Methods). The weighted colocalization coefficients represent the number of red pixels (rpASD1 or N-terAβ) that co-localize with green pixels (organelle markers) divided by the total number of red pixels. Analyses were performed using different sets of MG132-treated APP-expressing neurons. A representative scattergram is shown below. Statistical significance was calculated using Scheffé post hoc test (green asterisks: ***p < 0.0001, **p = 0.0008 [for ASPD] and 0.0019 [for N-ter Aβ], *p = 0.021 [for ASPD] and 0.0316 [for N-ter Aβ], compared with negative control using DAPI staining; pink asterisks and black asterisks ***p < 0.0001). See Figures S9–S11.