(a) Representative images of c-Fos (green) activity in ChR2-positive neurons (red) and DAPI-positive nuclei (blue) in naïve and stimulated (stim) DYT1 KI (DYT) and wildtype (WT) mice, and 15 min after stimulation (15′ post). Arrowheads point at c-Fos-positive ChR2 neurons, while open arrows point at c-Fos-negative ChR2 neurons, scale bar is 25 μm. (b) Localization of blue light stimulation and the three quantified coronal sections in the striatum. (c) percentage of ChR2-positive neurons that are c-Fos-positive in wildtype/ChR2 (WT, open bars) and DYT1 KI/ChR2 (DYT, grey bars) stimulated at 25 ms, 10 Hz with different protocols (naive, WT n = 4, DYT n = 6; 10 min light on +15 min delay before sacrifice, WT n = 6, DYT n = 5; 1 h light on, no delay before sacrifice, WT n = 4, DYT n = 4), **p < 0.01 compared to respective naïve (Holm-Sidak), #p < 0.05 compared to respective WT (Holm-Sidak), means ± SEM, (d) ChR2/c-fos positive neurons quantified for three different sections for the 10 min light on +15 min delay stimulated groups, **p < 0.01 WT versus DYT (Holm-Sidak). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)