Table 2.
Numbers and percentages of participants who answered correctly on the 8 knowledge questions
No. | Questiona, b | Number (%) |
1 | Senna is contraindicated in the case of pregnancy and in children under twelve years old (T) | 47 (18.7) |
2 | Spinach eating is safe for kidney patients (F) | 115 (45.8) |
3 | Fenugreek rises the risk of increased blood sugar so it should be avoided in diabetics (F) | 61 (24.3) |
4 | Garlic increases the risk of bleeding if used with warfarin (T) | 73 (29.1) |
5 | Bronchoconstriction is the side effects of caffeine (F) | 65 (25.9) |
6 | Ginger has effect in relieving premenstrual syndrome (T) | 86 (34.3) |
7 | Echinacea is used for suppressing the immunity (F) | 37 (14.7) |
8 | Digoxin use with bran increase the concentration of digoxin (F) | 23 (9.2) |
aQuestions were adapted from Shraim et al. [47]
bcorrect answers set alongside each statement; T stands for true and F stands for false