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Table 1.

Comparison of HAV and HEV characteristics in the United States

Additional considerations HAV HEV
Viral taxonomy (family, genus) Picornaviridae, Hepatovirus Hepeviridae, Orthohepevirus
Primary route of transmission Fecal–oral Zoonotic (foodborne)
Zoonotic reservoir No Pigs, boars, and deer
Chronic infection No Yes, among immunocompromised persons
Severity Generally mild, self-limited acute illness
Increased severity with increased age at infection and in persons with preexisting liver disease
Acute liver failure possible, but rare
Most infections are clinically silent
When symptoms occur, illness is generally mild and self-limited
Increased severity in pregnant women and persons with preexisting liver disease
Acute liver failure possible, but rare

HAV, hepatitis A virus; HEV, hepatitis E virus.