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Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Abneural supporting cells (SCs) in the chicken basilar papilla (BP) are more tightly packed (A) and more numerous than hair cells (HCs) (B) compared with the neural side. Transverse vibratome sections taken from the middle tonotopic region of the chicken BP (posthatch day 8–10) were immunostained for myosin-VIIa (Proteus) and Sox2 (Santa Cruz Biotech). Sections were imaged as in Figure 1. Using syGlass software (see, SC and HC nuclei number and location were recorded, standardizing voxel size and Z-depth across sections. Counts and XYZ coordinates were exported. Distance measurements (A) between the nearest neighboring SC nuclei was conducted in MATLAB vR2017b. Data visualization and statistics (paired t-test) were performed in GraphPad Prism v7. Each data point of the same color represents one chicken. Error bars, SEM. *p ≤ 0.05, ***p ≤ 0.001.