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. 2019 Feb 20;31(2):173–180. doi: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2019.02.031

Table 1.

Key data pertaining to the included studies.

Authors/study design Type/number of samples Type of light Intensity of radiation (mW/cm2) Parameters evaluated Type of assay/test/equipment
Lee et al. (in-vitro, experimental) Twenty-Four female C57BL/6 Mice
divided into four groups – red, green, blue and untouched (UT)
(630 ± 8)
(525 ± 2)
(410 ± 10)
Tear volume, Tear film breakup time (TBUT), Interferon (INF)-γ, Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, Malondialdehyde (MDA), CD4 + CCR5 + T cells Corneal Fluorescein staining, multiplex immunobead assay, enzyme linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Flow cytometry, 2′7′-diachloroflouroscein diacetate (DCF-DA) assay, terminal de-oxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining
Chang et al. (in-vitro, experimental) 45 male mice 36 – exposed
9 – controls
Dim red light (>600 nm)
Blue LED light (410 ± 10)
Not specified Osteopontin (OPN) TUNEL assay, Western blotting, Immunohistochemistry, immunogold electron microscopy
Price et al. (in-vitro experimental) Human teeth model Sapphire Plus Plasma Arc LCU (Den-Mat, Lompoc CA) Not specified Effect of dental loupes – five types used
Three loupes of 3.5× magnification (Design for Vision, Carl Zeiss, Quality Aspirator) and two 2.5× magnification (Design for Vision, Quality Aspirator)
6-in integrating sphere (Labsphere, North Sutton, NH) connected to a fiber optic spectrometer (USB 4000, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL)
Rassaei et al. (in-vitro experimental) Bovine superfused retina Blue LED LCU (Delma Medical Instrument, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China)
420–480 nm
(1200 lx for isolated retina)
a and b waves used as indicators of retinal damage Electroretinogram (ERG)
Labrie et al. (in-vitro experimental) Extracted human maxillary teeth PAC: Sapphire (Den-Mat Santa Maria, CA)
  • (1)

    SmartLite IQ2 (low power, Caulk Dentsply Woodbridge, ON)

  • (2)

    Elipar S10 (high power, 3 M ESPE London, ON)

QTH: Optilux 501 (Kerr Corporation Orange, CA)
826 ± 2
325 ± 1
740 ± 2
630 ± 5
Weighted blue light and effective ultraviolet (UV) irradiances received by the eye A laboratory-grade light detector (3.9-mm diameter CC3-UV probe, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL) attached by a 1-mm fibre optic cable to a fibre optic spectroradiometer (USB 4000, Ocean Optics), with a spectral range of 300–890 nm, fully covering the spectral emission from the LCU
McCusker et al. (in-vitro experimental) 8 different orthodontic brackets
Clarity, Clarity SL (3 M Unitek), Encore (Ortho Technology)
Stainless Steel
Victory (3 M Unitek), Microarch, Mini Ovation (GAC International), TOC Bracket (TOC)
Tiger (TOC)
11 LCUs
1 Plasma Arc Apollo 95E(460–490 nm)
2 Halogens
Cromalux (400–500 nm)
(380–510 nm)
8 LEDs
DEMIOrtho (420–465 nm)
Elipar Freelight2 (430–480 nm)
Fusion (385–430 nm)
Mini LED (420–480 nm)
Mini LED2 (420–480 nm)
Ortholux (430–480 nm)
Smartlite (450–490 nm)
Starlite (440–480 nm)
Weighted irradiance and safe exposure times Integrated spectroradiometer (DMc150-MDE, Bentham Instruments Ltd. UK)
Jiangmei et al. (in-vitro experimental) Female Sprague-Dawley rats Blue light (400–480 nm) 0.64 Cell death following blue light exposure TUNEL, gel electrophoresis
Eriksen et al. (in-vivo experimental) Not specified 12 dental LCUs Not specified Total irradiance(E), Effective UV irradiance (Eeff)), UV--A irradiance (EUVA), blue light radiance (Lb), Thermal hazard radiance (LR) and the Luminance (LV) Spectroradiometer