Fig 3. Expression of TcAUKs genes.
(A) RT-PCR of the three TcAUKs and Actin (housekeeping control) in epimastigotes (E), trypomastigotes (T) and amastigotes (A) of T. cruzi. (-): PCR negative control. I and II indicate the specific amplification products of similar length obtained for TcAUK3 (B) Nucleotide sequence of the 5´ Untranslated Region of each TcAUK mRNA. The Spliced Leader sequence and the starting ATG codon followed by the initial sequence of the genes (CDS) are indicated. I and II reference to the bands indicated in (A). Underlined in TcAUK3 is the region of the 5´ UTR absent in one of the two amplification products. (C) Immunoblot of TcAUK1 in total cell extracts from Epimastigotes (E), Trypomastigotes (T) and Amastigotes (A).