Figure 2.
Assessment of Bcl-6/Bcl-xL retroviral transduction of porcine B cell populations. CD21+ B cells were enriched by MACSorting and populations of naïve/non-class switched B cells (IgM+) and class-switched B cells (IgG/A+) isolated by FACSorting (A). Representative dot plots showing CD21, IgM, and IgG/A BcR staining before and after sorting are presented. CD21+ B cells, IgM+ B cells, and IgG/A+ B cells were transduced with the retroviral vector expressing Bcl-6/Bcl-xL/GFP and cultured with IL-21 and irradiated CD40L-L cells. Transduced cell outgrowth was tracked by assessment of % cells expressing GFP (B). Active antibody secretion from transduced CD21+, IgM+, and IgG/A+ B cell cultures was confirmed by ELISpot assay (C).