Fig. 3.
Sonication assisted extraction of rosmarinic acid from mycorrhizal hairy roots of O. basilicum in organic solvents, ionic liquid (comparison study) and low molar ionic liquid. i) RA extracted (mg/L FW) in different percentage of methanol and ethanol (a and b). ii) Comparison studies for extraction of RA in water, ionic liquid and methanol (c) and low molar ionic liquid with sonication and soaking plus sonication (d). Data is represented as mean ± SEM of each of five replicates (n = 5) in all subfigures. Bars topped by same letters in all subfigures do not differ significantly (p ≤ 0.05) between i) percentages of organic solvents (methanol and ethanol) in a and b, ii) water, methanol and ionic liquid in c, and iii) low molar ionic liquids by Tukey’s HSD test. “*” In subfigure d shows pair-wise comparison made between sonication and soaking plus sonication by t-test based on Holm’s Sidak method.