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Table 3. Distribution of 82 C. perfringens isolates in fecal samples of infants according to their age.

Age group* Colonized infants no. (%) P-value OR (95%CI)
1-29 days 47/213 (22.1) 0.001 0.437 (0.256, 0.746)
1-3 months 17/40 (42.5) 0.019 2.24 (1.127, 4.451)
4-6 months 14/32 (43.7) 0.025 2.31(1.091, 4.894)
7-9 months 3/11 (27.3) >0.999 1.006 (0.260, 3.889)
10-12 months 1/6 (16.7) 0.964 0.531 (0.061, 4.613)
Total 82/302 (27.2)

OR - odds ratio; 95%CI - 95% confidence interval.


1-6 months 78/285 (p-value=0.004)