Cellulose content is reduced in the myosin xi3KO mutant. Ethanol-insoluble cell wall material (CWM) was prepared from 5-d-old etiolated hypocotyls of wild-type (WT) seedlings, the myosin xi3KO mutant, and wild type growing on plates containing 100 nm latrunculin B (LatB). A and B, Cellulose content was measured as described in the “Materials and Methods.” The noncellulosic component of CWM was hydrolyzed with 2 m trifluoroacetic acid (TFA; A) or acetic nitric reagent (AN; B) and the insoluble residue used for total cellulose determination. The TFA method was used for total cellulose determination and the AN method for crystalline cellulose determination. Cellulose content was significantly reduced in LatB-treated and xi3KO mutant hypocotyls compared to wild type. Values given are means ± se (n = 4; one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test, letters [a and b] denote sample/groups that show statistically significant differences from other groups, P < 0.05).