Figure 6.
Myosin inhibitors cause an accumulation of distinct CESA6 and SYP61 compartments in the cortical cytoplasm. A, Representative single optical sections taken from the cortical cytoplasm in etiolated hypocotyl epidermal cells coexpressing YFP-CESA6 and SYP61-CFP. Seedlings were treated with inhibitors for 15 min prior to imaging. Vesicles labeled with YFP only, CFP only, or with both markers are indicated by green, magenta, and white arrowheads, respectively. Bar, 5 µm. B, Quantitative analysis of vesicle density shows that the number of YFP-only and CFP-only compartments was significantly increased after BDM, PBP, and LatB treatment; by contrast, the number of compartments with overlapping signals did not show major differences compared with mock-treated cells. C, The percentage of vesicles with overlapping signals decreased significantly in BDM-, PBP-, and LatB-treated cells. Values given are means ± se (n ≥ 20 cells from six seedlings for each treatment; a total of 263, 586, 529, and 578 compartments were measured from total areas of 7,804, 7,649, 6,339, and 6,880 µm2 in mock and BDM-, PBP-, and LatB-treated cells, respectively; one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test, letters [a–c] denote samples/groups that show statistically significant differences with other groups, P < 0.05).