Figure 9.
DE cyclic genes in the FL condition. A, The numbers of DE genes that are classified as cyclic in 12-h/12-h light/dark conditions, in continuous light (circadian) conditions, and in both conditions. B, Peak phase distribution of the DE light/dark cyclic genes in the four samples. The numbers of up- and down-regulated cyclic genes were counted separately according to their peaking time in 12-h/12-h light/dark conditions. Zeitgeber time zero (ZT0) is defined as the time when the light was turned on in the climate chamber. Yellow bars denote the light period. C, Biological processes of the DE light/dark cyclic genes peaking at ZT21 to ZT6 and ZT8 to ZT16. Energy metabolism includes glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and mitochondrial electron transport. Cofactor and vitamin biosynthesis are included in secondary metabolism. The data in C do not include genes that are not assigned to any cellular processes.