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. 2019 Apr 3;14(4):e0212903. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212903

Table 2. Primary and secondary outcomes in treatment groups.

CF not visible CF visible ECI not visible ECI Visible P value
Time to achieve bidirectional block (minutes) 26.0 (25) 20.5 (15) 30.0 (31) 10.5 (12) 0.020
0.534 0.023
Total RF time (seconds) 667 (521) 561 (811) 1131 (714) 641 (427) 0.076
0.999 0.319
RF time power product (watt-seconds/1000) 26.4 (20.8) 22.4 (32.9) 45.2 (27.4) 25.2 (17.1) 0.066
1.000 0.300
Fluoroscopy time during CTI line creation (seconds) 238 (219) 137 (189) 311 (387) 123 (177) 0.004
0.873 0.002
Total fluoroscopy time (seconds) 507 (374) 393 (348) 866 (581) 492 (510) 0.019
0.977 0.389
Total procedure time (minutes) 80.0 (33.5) 73.0 (33.3) 97.0 (23.0) 74.0 (19.0) 0.138
0.978 0.096
30-minute success rate (number of cases) 22 [81.4] 22 [84.6] 20 [87.0] 18 [81.8] 0.957
0.990 0.968
Length of line (millimetres) 33.0 (17.0) 33.0 (15.5) 37.0 (6.00) 34.5 (14.7) 0.084
0.999 0.882
Average overall force (grams) (total) 9.03 (7.43) 11.3 (5.54) 0.016
Average CF force (grams) (IVC) 7.40 (12.3) 12.5 (7.68) 0.032
Average CF force (grams) (mid) 9.10 (7.20) 12.4 (6.23) 0.032
Average CF force (grams) (TVA) 6.50 (4.90) 10.6 (6.55) 0.003

Values shown are medians (interquartile range). Statistical analysis involved logarithmic transformed ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey’s Test.

Abbreviations: CF, contact force; ECI, electrical coupling index; RF, radiofrequency; CTI, cavotricuspid isthmus; IVC, inferior vena cava; mid, mid-cavotricuspid isthmus; TVA, tricuspid valve annulus